HMI | Hospitality Marketers International

Hospitality Marketers International, Inc.

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Operational Proforma and Investment Analysis

This phase of our market research incorporates the Operational Revenue Projections established in the Hotel/ResortFeasibility Study and further expands them with Departmental Expense Projections to provide a complete Operational Proforma & Investment Analysis. Our operational performance models are based on industry averages established for operations and on the subject property's unique operational characteristics determined by our market study research. Model performance is normally projected through the operational stabilization period. Development Costs, Investment Structure, Operational Expenses, Gross Operating Profit, Net Operating Profit, Cash Flow and Return on Investment will be analyzed.

These reports are considered working documents that can be revised as the development process for the hotel/resort progresses. HMI will be available to assist clients through the development process with revisions to the Operational Proforma & Investment Analysis.

Hotel and Resort Operational Proforma and Investment Analysis

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